Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 4, 2011 Independence Day!! (Not for me LOL)

Today was a day full of a lot of loud noises that made me jump!  After making a fantastic Fourth of July feast, Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma Weddig (Grandma came back from North Carolina yesterday) decided to go and watch the fireworks.  Normally, mom and dad would go and watch the fireworks on the Gladstone Beach, but this year they had a change of plans because mommy could not travel.  So they did the next best thing.  They packed the car up and headed out to the Meijer Parking lot to watch the fireworks (we would have gone to the fairgrounds but mommy needs to have a bathroom close by).  Mom, Dad and Grandma found a grassy nole to set up their chairs.  Mom and dad were not sure exactly the direction the fireworks would be set off so they sat in the same direction as the rest of the crowd.  Once the fireworks started they had to adjust their seats just a little, but still had a fabulous view of the always impressive Mason fireworks display.  

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