Friday, July 15, 2011

6-14-11 Look who's driving now....

Today was another doctor’s appointment.  Daddy came late to this appointment….This made mommy excited, because she got to drive to the appointment.   This was her first time driving since this whole thing started April 29th.  She thought it was wonderful to have some of her freedom back.  I had to laugh because that freedom will be gone when I decided to show up.
            The doctor’s appointment went well.  It started with a non-stress test.  They scheduled the test during my nap time.  Mom knew this so she requested a fruit juice to wake me up.  It works every time!  As soon as I got a taste of my favorite fruit juice I started boogying down.
            After the NST, it was time for me to get my picture taken.  Daddy showed up just in time to see this.  So, I decided to flex my muscles for him and give him a good show.  I want everyone to know how strong I am.  The technician also measured me to see how big I am.  They think I weigh about 6 pound, 6 ounces.  That puts me in the 54th percentile! 
            Then mom and dad got to meet with the doctor.  It had been a while since they had seen Dr. Crampton.  She was pleased with the progress both me and mom were making.  They decided to let me stay cooking for another week…..that is unless, I decide, I am ready to make an appearance! 

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